Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The best place in town for a pint and a shot

deVere's Irish pub!
I don't know what it is about this place. The music. The view. The staff. I think it all adds up to the most welcoming environment I've found in recent years. The happy hour is a favorite. Under the shade of an old cork oak tree, this place makes you feel right at home.
The better part is when I park it here and check in on foursquare, a welcome and friendly face of someone I know and love almost always walks in the door and finds me. That's the beauty of establishing a hangout for yourself and living life in public.
That's actually one of the reasons behind this blog. A public venue to espouse the virtue of living in public, among other things. It's served me very well over the years. Twitter, foursquare, Google+, Yelp, OKCupid  and Meetup. The one that has failed me most is the one where I have the greatest control over my privacy...Facebook.
This writing is keeping me from my drinking.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A day trip!

I really love Sacramento, but I like to get out of town once in a while. I love the train too. Today, desire has crossed paths with opportunity, so I'm heading to San Francisco!
The journey begins at downtown's historic Amtrak station. I suddenly wonder what they called it before it was Amtrak.
Anyway, this trip is just what I need. I have the remnants of the care packages I made up for Santacon. Bandages, aspirin, a pancho and a tootsie pop. I'm going to give them out once I get there.
Looking out from the train I see some new construction in the recently cleaned railyards. I would really like to live there, but it's going to be expensive. Not only that, the current trend is to only lease. What's the use if you can't even own it? Still, I'm really looking forward to seeing this area being developed.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pete's restaurant and brewery.

Looking out a window in Downtown Sacramento. It's what we do!
Lately, I've been avoiding meat as much as practical, but on occasion I really want some. The best ribeye I've had in recent memory was from Pete's pizza. I know. A pizza joint for a ribeye. Who'da thunk it?
So we order the ribeye. When they asked how we wanted it cooked, I told them: "pink, but not bloody." It came out nearly burned. We sent it back. On the second try, they overcooked it again, but it was such a glorious day we let it slide.
It was supposed to rain. I ended up in just a t shirt before long because it was getting hot.
Here's to Sundays with friends on a patio drinking Downtown Brown!

Killing time at the streets of London pub.

There's a fashion show in an hour and I'm only five minutes away. This is the exact criteria I use to justify the consumption of a pint of Smithwick's. Streets of London to the rescue!
I've never been here before. I see why it's so popular. Nice atmosphere with big screen tvs and ten beers on tap.
I really need to move down here!

Mail in Art Show!

At the Milk Gallery for the art pickup of the mail in art show. Every piece in the show was mailed in. The gallery announced that it had to arrive in presentation condition. In other words, they did not unwrap anything.
I even made a couple of submissions of my own. Those of you who know my anti-TV stance could guess which one is mine.
I want to say BRAVO! To the nice people at the Milk Gallery for this brilliant concept of art. I think more galleries should do this.

My favorite pub!

Sitting in deVere's on a Sunday morning with a pint of Smithwick's and an order of breakfast potatoes. One of my foursquare friends is checked in here, but I don't see her.
What I do see is a lot of people drinking bloody marys and mimosas. As of this moment, I'm the only one here who is actually eating something.
The weather outside is pretty gloomy, but I feel good. How could I not? After all, I have a pint and a full belly.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Social hour at the Zocalo!

Zocalo. A public plaza or square. The outdoor seating here is great in the spring, but come summer, this is going to be an oven!
For now, we sit and watch all the strange people walking by. Even stranger people sitting nearby. Freaks with tattoos in strange places. Classy folks in designer suits. Beatniks at the coffee house across the street.
Let the margaritas flow!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I love this place!

Yesterday we were sitting in deVere's looking out the window, when someone said: "We should create a blog called 'Looking Out a Window in Downtown Sacramento!'"
Here it is!
Let's see what happens.