Sunday, April 8, 2012

Flaming Peeps!

Shawn always comes up with the best ideas. To celebrate Jesus Zombie Day, we're going to Ink for flaming peeps. Bacardi 151, Key lime rum, pineapple juice and blue curacao poured over a helpless peep and set aflame! A spectacle for sure. And what do you do with it? Drink it!
I'm really not a fan of this place. The food is mediocre at best and the prices are quite high, but every once in a while they come up with a unique idea that makes it worth coming in. Both yelp and foursquare have a free order of fries with check in, so that offsets the price a little.
Back to the flaming peeps. My anxiety about pouring a burning liquid into my mouth is increasing as I wait for Shawn to arrive. I'm not going to do it alone. The combination of liquors sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to the flavor. I'm going to stop writing now and continue the posting after I consume the flame.
OK, so that was worth doing! A spectacle and a great value! Not to mention the fact that it must have been 100 proof!
Time to party!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sweetwater is closing!

Tis a sad day indeed!
90% of the first dates I've had in the last year have been here. Upon reflection, maybe this place is part of the problem. I mean, not one of them turned into a second date. The last first date I had here that turned into a second date.... Oh, wait. I get it now. That girl must have put a curse on me or something. I've had practically no action since.
Anyway, this place had a really great artichoke appetizer. Now that they're gone, I guess I'll have to make it myself. I guess I'll sit here and tie one on one last time. Enjoy the patio.
(Sound of a record screeching) Update!!! The owner was a real asshole this final day. He deliberately pulled some fucked up bullshit on the customers. No TP, paper towels or soap in the bathroom. One beer on tap. No food. Employees smoking in the doorway. He even called Shawn a bitch because she wanted to buy the last bottle of champagne. No wonder they're going out of business.